Wednesday, January 5, 2011

This Was The Vote Resultes for HB 431 Dog Bite Revesion In 2009

Well, HB 431 is as dead as my chickens are that were attacked by dogs running at large. Here in Dogbite were keeping the electric fence on and the lead ready for dogs running at large. Seems the Insurance Companies won in convincing our senators to vote no in favor of not protecting your children, livestock and pets. Not to mention continued discrimination against citizens in unincorporated towns and cities in Montana. You must write and thank them for their support that they did not give you.

The No votes were:

1. Senator Daniel McGee (R) from Laurel, INCORPOATED city.
2. Senator Jesse Laslovich (D) from Anaconda, INCORPORATED city.
3. Senator Aubyn Curtiss (R) from Fortine, UNINCORPORATED city.
4. Senator Terry Murphy (R) from Cardwell, UNINCORPORATED city
5. Senator John Esp (R) from Big Timber, INCORPORATED city.
6. Senator Greg Hinkle (R) from Thompson Falls, INCORPORATED city.
7. Senator Gary Perry (R) from Manhattan, INCORPORATED city.

Notice most of them are from INCORPORATED cities, and the ones that vored no that ARE from UNINCORPORATED areas well, there is just no excuse. Yes, the insurance Companies won this one because they can afford to pay for people to come to these committee hearing and testify for or against bills when the real people experiancing these troubles cannot afford to leave their Livestock unattended.

The Yes votes were:
1. Senator Lynda Moss (D) from Billings, INCORPORATED city.
2. Senator Cliff Larsen (D) from Missoula, INCORPORATED city.
3. Senator Carol Juneau (D) from Browning, INCORPORATED city.

Senators not voting
1. Senator Larry Jent (D) from Bozeman INCORPORATED city.
2. Senator Jim Shockley (R) from Victor, UNINCORPORATED city.