Thursday, February 26, 2009

This Is Why Animals Must Be Vaccinated Against Rabies

This is a video of a Human Rabies victim. It is very Graphic. I decided after a lot of thought, I'd put it on this blog because despite all the warnings we get here in Yellowstone County every year there are still people that don't vaccinate for this disease. In the State of Montana every Cat, Dog and Ferret are required to have the shot. It amazes me that people do not do this. If you do watch this video, This is real! Maybe instead of a few packs of cigarettes or meals eaten out maybe you'll use the money for shots for your animals. It only takes ONE animal un-vaccinated and only ONE bite. I hear that the series of 6 shots for a human are about $2000. This could be YOUR child. And Yellowstone County is under quarantine for Rabies right now. It's not worth it PLEASE vaccinate all your pets for Rabies!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh! My God I had no Idea! I am so thankful I live in the United States where this disease is not as common as other countries! I will NEVER be late getting my shots for my animals.
