Well, HB 431 is as dead as my chickens are that were attacked by dogs running at large. Here in Dogbite were keeping the electric fence on and the lead ready for dogs running at large. Seems the Insurance Companies won in convincing our senators to vote no in favor of not protecting your children, livestock and pets. Not to mention continued discrimination against citizens in unincorporated towns and cities in Montana. You must write and thank them for their support that they did not give you.
The No votes were:
1. Senator Daniel McGee (R) from Laurel, INCORPOATED city.
2. Senator Jesse Laslovich (D) from Anaconda, INCORPORATED city.
3. Senator Aubyn Curtiss (R) from Fortine, UNINCORPORATED city.
4. Senator Terry Murphy (R) from Cardwell, UNINCORPORATED city
5. Senator John Esp (R) from Big Timber, INCORPORATED city.
6. Senator Greg Hinkle (R) from Thompson Falls, INCORPORATED city.
7. Senator Gary Perry (R) from Manhattan, INCORPORATED city.
Notice most of them are from INCORPORATED cities, and the ones that vored no that ARE from UNINCORPORATED areas well, there is just no excuse. Yes, the insurance Companies won this one because they can afford to pay for people to come to these committee hearing and testify for or against bills when the real people experiancing these troubles cannot afford to leave their Livestock unattended.
The Yes votes were:
1. Senator Lynda Moss (D) from Billings, INCORPORATED city.
2. Senator Cliff Larsen (D) from Missoula, INCORPORATED city.
3. Senator Carol Juneau (D) from Browning, INCORPORATED city.
Senators not voting
1. Senator Larry Jent (D) from Bozeman INCORPORATED city.
2. Senator Jim Shockley (R) from Victor, UNINCORPORATED city.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
House Bill 431 a Tie Vote! Seams it more of a Party Issue.
House Bill 431 passed the house of Representatives. The Senate Judiciary Committee heard the bill and the vote was a tie. Only one Republican voting for the bill, and all Democrats supporting this bill. Seams that most of the Republicans are more interested in saving the Insurance Companies money than our Children and our selves from dog bites and injuries the dog causes.
The Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee Gary Perry says the strong feelings of the Republicans of this committee thought that this bill goes too far in changing the the rules for dog owners across the state.
One would think that were asking for something we do not deserve.
All we ARE asking for is equal protection from a DOG BITE! and Liability spelled out for the Counties that do not enforce leash laws.
The dog owners in the Counties of Montana have enjoyed not being responsible for their dangerous dog long enough!
All you people in the County need to contact your Represenatives and Senators and COMPLAIN till the cows come home.
Let them know were tired of the way things have been. Just because we live in the County why should we not have a law that protects us like it does for citizens in the incorporated areas of Montana? Are we any less of a Citizen because we live in the County? Do our tax dollars smell different? I bet NOT! The State likes our tax dollars, so, why shouldn't we get the same help with dog bites as they do in the city?
Most of the dog attacks in the County take place on our own property. So, chances are your homeowner's Insurance will not pay because someone dog was running loose got onto your property and bit you. But If you are neglant and you dog gets out and kills someone, bites someone or tears up livestock your homeowner's will pay for it.
As for the inclusion Anders Blewett added in that says: If the injured individual is less than 9 years of age at the time the injury occurs, there is a disputable presumption that the injury occured without provocation by the individual. A dog owner needs to be responsible, and never let small children around their dog!!
A little common sence here please!!
So, who are the republicans out to protect? You tell me and then we will both know!
The Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee Gary Perry says the strong feelings of the Republicans of this committee thought that this bill goes too far in changing the the rules for dog owners across the state.
One would think that were asking for something we do not deserve.
All we ARE asking for is equal protection from a DOG BITE! and Liability spelled out for the Counties that do not enforce leash laws.
The dog owners in the Counties of Montana have enjoyed not being responsible for their dangerous dog long enough!
All you people in the County need to contact your Represenatives and Senators and COMPLAIN till the cows come home.
Let them know were tired of the way things have been. Just because we live in the County why should we not have a law that protects us like it does for citizens in the incorporated areas of Montana? Are we any less of a Citizen because we live in the County? Do our tax dollars smell different? I bet NOT! The State likes our tax dollars, so, why shouldn't we get the same help with dog bites as they do in the city?
Most of the dog attacks in the County take place on our own property. So, chances are your homeowner's Insurance will not pay because someone dog was running loose got onto your property and bit you. But If you are neglant and you dog gets out and kills someone, bites someone or tears up livestock your homeowner's will pay for it.
As for the inclusion Anders Blewett added in that says: If the injured individual is less than 9 years of age at the time the injury occurs, there is a disputable presumption that the injury occured without provocation by the individual. A dog owner needs to be responsible, and never let small children around their dog!!
A little common sence here please!!
So, who are the republicans out to protect? You tell me and then we will both know!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Sunday, March 8, 2009
U.S. Pitt Bull Attacks in an 85- Day Period
This video tells the date of Pitt Bull Attacks, the cities where they occured and the victim's names and ages If known.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Dog Bite Prevention

50 percent of all children in the United States will be bitten by a dog before ther 12 th birthday? The majoity of dog bites are from a dog known to the child . . his or her own pet, or a neighbor's or friends.You can help prevent this from happening to your child. According to the ASPCA discuss with your child the appropriate way to behave around dogs. the following activity will help you and your child understand the difference between safe and potentially dangerous interactions with dogs.
The following is a list of pledges that you can recite with your child:
1. I will not stare into a dog's eyes.
2. I will not tease dogs behind fences.
3. I will not go near dogs chained up in yeard.
4. I will not touch a dog I see loose (off-leash) outside.
5. If I see a loose dog, I will tell an adult immediately.
6. I will not run ans scream if a loose dog comes near me.
7. I will stand very still (like a tree) and will be very quiet if a dog comes near me.
8. I will not touch or play with a dog while he or she is eating.
9. I will not touch a dog when he or she is sleeping.
10. I will only pet a dog if I have received permission from the dog's owner.
11. Then I will ask permission of the dog by letting him snif my closed hand.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
If I had a dog Like This . . .

If I had a dog like this . . I would not have any trouble with the dogs trying to attack me while I'm walking my dogs around town. The dogs would run away yelping! It is ugly enough to scare off the dogs that come to my property to kill my chickens and livestock.
I don't think people would want to pet it either. I would actually scream and run If i saw something like this running loose! In fact I bet If I had a dog this this . . Animal Control Sure wouldn't be so lenient on me! If someone knows what kind of dog this is please leave a comment to let me know I just might actually get one!
Yellowstone County Animal Control Ordinances UNFORCED
Yellowstone County Animal Control Ordinance haven't been up date since 1993. No one seems to have read them, anyway! Except us dog bite victims. It's just amazing how dogs roam the unincorporated city of dogbitemontana even though you catch the wandering dog on video clearly not in control of anyone let alone the owner. This is my story of how nothing was done.
February 4th: While returning home I saw a brown and white Australian shepherd mix barking and jumping on the fence where my chickens are kept. Since I don't carry a shot gun with me, I threw rocks at this dog and chased him away from my chickens. I ran inside and got my video camera. I filmed this dog while I called the Sheriff's Dept. to make a report. I assumed the Animal Control would be calling me back.
Four days later On Feb. 8th, I called the Sheriff's Dept. to cancel the call as It looked like I would not be contacted anyway. The Sheriff's Dept. said they would contact animal Control and let them know i had not been contacted.
The next day on Feb. 9th Animal control called me back and said they could not find a dog matching the description I gave running loose.
Then in the next 2 days I was bitten by 2 different dogs.
A Pitt bull bit me on my own property I was walking past my chicken pen and didn't see the dog until it had knocked down my 3 year old daughter and bite me in the leg. I ran inside grabbed my camera and filmed the dog while it ran around the neighborhood for half an hour before the Animal Control could get there. The ACO took the dog into town for quarantine although it did have a current rabies vaccination.
The next day on my way into town I recognized a dog in the back of a flat bed pickup as the brown and white Australian Shepherd mix that had been harassing my chickens on Feb. 4th. I followed this vehicle back to the owner's property to confront him about his dog harassing my chickens. I had lost 4 good laying hens from this attack. While I was there talking with the owner about the attack of his dog this dog, jumped up and bit my left hand leaving two deep puncture wounds and a tear down my ring finger. Now, despite all this the dog was quarantined with the owner for 10 days, even though the Ordinance says 14 days! I have pictures of the scratches on my car door and my hand to prove all this.
County Ordinance C04380-180. Vicious Dogs. Reads:
Anyone who harbors or allows to stay about the premises occupied or controlled by him within the county a vicious or potentially vicious dog is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined an amount not to exceed $500. dollars.
#B of this Ordinance reads:
For the purpose of this ordinance a Potential vicious dog is defined as a dog which when unprovoked:
1. Chases or approaches a person in a menacing fashion; or exhibiting an apparent attitude of attack; or
2. Makes unwelcome physical contact with a person, or
3. Bite or causes substantial injury to a person while on the owner's property.
SUBSTANTIAL INJURY: Is defined as a puncture or laceration or break of a person's skin caused by a dog's teeth; or any other physical injury to a person caused by a dog which results in a degree of trauma that would cause a reasonable and prudent person to seek medical care, regardless of concerns about rabies prevention.
UNPROVOKED: Is defined as a circumstance in which a person is injured by a dog which he did not hit, kick, strike, pull, pinch, squeeze, or taunt.
These ordinances were not followed by ACO. The owner said I put my arm out the window and called his dog! I did not. And when I picked up the reports of these dog bites it said that I made a comment that It was my fault! I think not! the facts are that the owner of this dog lied! There was not even a ticket issued for the dog running at large which I have a video of!!
Hows that for following the Law! No ticket was written to even go to court to see if this dog was a vicious or potentially vicious dog!
It doesn't matter how they change the ordinances, if ACO is not going to follow them they will do absolutely no good and it's time for a replacement!
February 4th: While returning home I saw a brown and white Australian shepherd mix barking and jumping on the fence where my chickens are kept. Since I don't carry a shot gun with me, I threw rocks at this dog and chased him away from my chickens. I ran inside and got my video camera. I filmed this dog while I called the Sheriff's Dept. to make a report. I assumed the Animal Control would be calling me back.
Four days later On Feb. 8th, I called the Sheriff's Dept. to cancel the call as It looked like I would not be contacted anyway. The Sheriff's Dept. said they would contact animal Control and let them know i had not been contacted.
The next day on Feb. 9th Animal control called me back and said they could not find a dog matching the description I gave running loose.
Then in the next 2 days I was bitten by 2 different dogs.
A Pitt bull bit me on my own property I was walking past my chicken pen and didn't see the dog until it had knocked down my 3 year old daughter and bite me in the leg. I ran inside grabbed my camera and filmed the dog while it ran around the neighborhood for half an hour before the Animal Control could get there. The ACO took the dog into town for quarantine although it did have a current rabies vaccination.
The next day on my way into town I recognized a dog in the back of a flat bed pickup as the brown and white Australian Shepherd mix that had been harassing my chickens on Feb. 4th. I followed this vehicle back to the owner's property to confront him about his dog harassing my chickens. I had lost 4 good laying hens from this attack. While I was there talking with the owner about the attack of his dog this dog, jumped up and bit my left hand leaving two deep puncture wounds and a tear down my ring finger. Now, despite all this the dog was quarantined with the owner for 10 days, even though the Ordinance says 14 days! I have pictures of the scratches on my car door and my hand to prove all this.
County Ordinance C04380-180. Vicious Dogs. Reads:
Anyone who harbors or allows to stay about the premises occupied or controlled by him within the county a vicious or potentially vicious dog is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined an amount not to exceed $500. dollars.
#B of this Ordinance reads:
For the purpose of this ordinance a Potential vicious dog is defined as a dog which when unprovoked:
1. Chases or approaches a person in a menacing fashion; or exhibiting an apparent attitude of attack; or
2. Makes unwelcome physical contact with a person, or
3. Bite or causes substantial injury to a person while on the owner's property.
SUBSTANTIAL INJURY: Is defined as a puncture or laceration or break of a person's skin caused by a dog's teeth; or any other physical injury to a person caused by a dog which results in a degree of trauma that would cause a reasonable and prudent person to seek medical care, regardless of concerns about rabies prevention.
UNPROVOKED: Is defined as a circumstance in which a person is injured by a dog which he did not hit, kick, strike, pull, pinch, squeeze, or taunt.
These ordinances were not followed by ACO. The owner said I put my arm out the window and called his dog! I did not. And when I picked up the reports of these dog bites it said that I made a comment that It was my fault! I think not! the facts are that the owner of this dog lied! There was not even a ticket issued for the dog running at large which I have a video of!!
Hows that for following the Law! No ticket was written to even go to court to see if this dog was a vicious or potentially vicious dog!
It doesn't matter how they change the ordinances, if ACO is not going to follow them they will do absolutely no good and it's time for a replacement!
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