50 percent of all children in the United States will be bitten by a dog before ther 12 th birthday? The majoity of dog bites are from a dog known to the child . . his or her own pet, or a neighbor's or friends.You can help prevent this from happening to your child. According to the ASPCA discuss with your child the appropriate way to behave around dogs. the following activity will help you and your child understand the difference between safe and potentially dangerous interactions with dogs.
The following is a list of pledges that you can recite with your child:
1. I will not stare into a dog's eyes.
2. I will not tease dogs behind fences.
3. I will not go near dogs chained up in yeard.
4. I will not touch a dog I see loose (off-leash) outside.
5. If I see a loose dog, I will tell an adult immediately.
6. I will not run ans scream if a loose dog comes near me.
7. I will stand very still (like a tree) and will be very quiet if a dog comes near me.
8. I will not touch or play with a dog while he or she is eating.
9. I will not touch a dog when he or she is sleeping.
10. I will only pet a dog if I have received permission from the dog's owner.
11. Then I will ask permission of the dog by letting him snif my closed hand.
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